Holi 2023

Shades of Giving: How to Add a Touch of Kindness to Your Holi Celebrations

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It is safe to say that Holi is one of the most loved days of the year. It is the one day when you literally add colour to your life and others. But there is a deeper meaning to Holi, which makes it worth celebrating. It is a celebration of welcoming new beginnings. Festivals bring us together, and so does Holi. You forget all your grievances and reunite to celebrate. 

The exchange of vibrant colours symbolises the exchange of love and joy. How about we amplify that love and joy this year? While we celebrate with our loved ones, it is important to realise that there are some not so far away from us who can only dream of having what we have. Children are the highlights of Holi with their water guns and multi-coloured faces, but many children were simply deprived of that happiness.

We can do a thing or two together for those underserved children, don’t you think? Your biggest power is having a heart big enough to uplift the marginalised. One of the major things that stand between poverty and a secure life is education. There are NGOs working towards causes like this, and all they need is your support. While you celebrate the festival of colours, do consider adding some to a life by donating for child education this Holi.

How can you make the most impact this Holi? 

If you're looking for ways to add colour to countless lives this Holi, you're in the right place. Here's how you can help.

Make it a family affair

Impact is better when done together. Holi is incomplete without the presence of your family and friends, and we are always looking for ways to make certain days special with them. Giving a new life to a child with dreams is a big enough memory to cherish forever. So, don’t shy away from involving your family and friends with you whenever you decide to spread the colour of kindness. 

Opt for online donations

The best part about digitalization is that there is nothing you cannot do with a few clicks on your computer or mobile phone. Online donation platforms cut down on half of your efforts by providing you with easy and secure ways to donate from any part of the country and still make the same impact. So, if you can’t think of a way to add colour to someone’s life this Holi, you can simply donate to NGOs that work for child education.

Spread the word!

Colours will be all over your social media on Holi. Make sure you spread the right ones. Let your connections know your unique ways of celebrating Holi and encourage them to join you. It is all about bringing the best out of each other because it all starts with one, and that is what makes a huge impact in a chain reaction.

How to choose the right donation platform?

It is important to choose the right charity to support child education where you're informed about how your donation makes a difference. It is natural for you to look for something that relates to you, and hence, here are a few things that you could take note of: 


One of the core values of a trustworthy NGO is transparency and flexibility with their donors. You know exactly what you are donating for and what percentage of the amount you donate will impact the cause. You are given proper details of the payment options and the quantitative evaluation of your donations. If you donate for education in India, you also receive a tax exemption receipt under Section 80G. The entire process is completely secure and hassle-free, and nothing is kept from you.


Every NGO has stories of impact and a legacy of kindness. It could be their website or social media, and those stories speak of their influence and can be a connecting dot for you. Reading their stories and donor experiences before you decide to commit to giving may give you a better look at how and where your donations have an effect. 


You’d think after a donation is made, you wouldn’t hear from a foundation again. But, many NGOs make sure that you are constantly updated with campaign developments, and they stay accountable to the donors. You get personalised beneficiary notes and thank-you letters, which just make the entire process of giving a thousand times better.

There is truly nothing better than adding the colour of happiness and hope to a little child’s life, and by donating to education, you do just that. If you are in search of organisations that help you carry out this noble cause, Giving for Good has just what you are looking for. By joining us, you support child education while also doubling your impact with our donation matching program. So, this Holi, paint the world of hundreds of children with hues of hope and happiness! Grab this chance and make sure to have a safe and colourful Holi!

Exclusively written for Giving for Good Foundation by Bhairavi Hiremath

Bhairavi Hiremath

Bhairavi Hiremath

With words as her medium and a diary full of scribbled ideas, she is usually found looking for ways to use her writing to impact for Good. If she’s out of sight, she’s probably either reading, petting cats, jamming to retro Bollywood, or of course, writing!

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