From Pune to Nirgudsar: A Road Trip That Changed 372 Lives

Here's How We Turned Paid Time Off into a Day of Impact

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What’s the best part about a road trip? The weather, different food, conversations, and of course, amazing companionship! However, for the employees of iResearch Services Pvt. Ltd., this journey offered something more special. It provided them an opportunity to make a lasting impact on young lives!

The Giving for Good Foundation held its biggest donation drive ever on 9th August 2024 near the beautiful green hills of Bhimashankar. About 62km from Pune, our mission was to deliver 372 school bags, filled with essential supplies, to the students of two Zilla Parishad schools in Nirgudsar and Pargaon.

This heartwarming effort was part of our ongoing 'School Supplies for Every Child' campaign, aimed at giving marginalized children the tools they need to reach their potential through education.

A Volunteer Drive

The day began with 20 enthusiastic employees from iResearch joining us for a drive to Nirgudsar. These dedicated individuals had taken a day off work, changing their usual office routines into a meaningful adventure. As our team arrived at the schools in Nirgudsar, we were greeted by the children, their parents, and the school staff with the brightest smiles. The children welcomed us with a heartwarming display of cultural performances, songs, and colorful rangolis, ready to see what the day had in store.

Our volunteers spread out across the schoolyard, handing the bags to the excited children. Each backpack, filled with a textbook, notebook, water bottle, and even a few surprises like art supplies, represented hope and opportunity. The joy on the children's faces, as they unzipped their new bags, was truly priceless, their eyes widening with wonder at the gifts within. A memorable moment was when the children approached our volunteers to tell them how much they loved their brand-new school bags. The gratitude and happiness expressed by their parents is something everyone took home to cherish forever.

Employee Engagement

When we say our volunteers were enthusiastic, we do mean it! The employees didn’t stop at simply donating bags but wanted to know more about the children they were helping. The school staff proudly showcased the talents of their students. From creating intricate toys with a 3D printer to wanting to learn new technology, these young minds demonstrated that with the right opportunities, they could soar to great heights.

The involvement of iResearch was invaluable. Their employees' participation highlighted the incredible impact of collective effort, and the children were overjoyed to see people invested in their future. These compassionate individuals contributed a collective total of 120 hours to help us make this day special.

The secret heroes of this drive were our donors, who helped us bring this ambitious drive to reality, proving how people achieve great things when together. As the day ended, the children waved goodbye with their new school bags bouncing on their backs. It was a day full of smiles, new friendships, and most importantly, hope.

At the Giving for Good Foundation, our 'School Supplies for Every Child' campaign is more than just giving out school bags—it’s about giving every child the chance to learn, dream, and succeed. The Bhimashankar drive was our largest yet, and it showed what’s possible when communities and organizations come together. Every school bag we give is an investment in a child’s future, and we believe the impact will be felt for years. If you want to be a part of this meaningful journey, join us now!

Exclusively written for Giving for Good Foundation by Bhairavi Hiremath

Bhairavi Hiremath

Bhairavi Hiremath

With words as her medium and a diary full of scribbled ideas, she is usually found looking for ways to use her writing to impact for Good. If she’s out of sight, she’s probably either reading, petting cats, jamming to retro Bollywood, or of course, writing!

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