Empowering through skill development

A Single Mother’s Ticket to Empowerment Through Skill Development

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Heena was married at 19 years, and quickly became a mother to a beautiful baby girl. But life took a horrid turn when she was ill-treated by her in-laws and her husband.

She fled with her baby girl to her brother’s home, which is in one of the largest slum communities in Mumbai, where Vision Rescue works. Her daughter, now five, was welcomed into Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Centre inside this slum, and our case worker began to assist Heena with her developmental needs. Heena had only studied up to Class 7; so with no skills or educational qualifications, Heena was completely dependent on her brother’s kindness for her survival. 

Our case worker enrolled Heena into Vision Rescue’s three-month Beautician & Haircare Course. Heena was a quick learner, and we saw her easily pick up especially the facial, manicure and pedicure skills. She cleared the end-of-course assessment with flying colours, and quickly began to take orders in her neighbourhood at home. Her first order got her Rs. 200! “My goal is to set up a small parlour in my street, where I can serve clients, help other women like me earn, and provide for my daughter’s needs. I’m so glad to have this skill that helps me be independent,” says Heena. Thank you Giving for Good Foundation for empowering Heena to step beyond her circumstances, pick up a new skill and reach for financial independence!

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Vision Rescue

Vision Rescue

Giving for Good and Vision Rescue have partnered for a unique campaign to empower youth with job-ready skills. By working hand-in-hand, we're committed to creating sustainable change, and positively impacting the lives of hundreds of individuals from the slum communities of Mumbai.

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