Boost Your Career & Help Others: 7 Reasons to Volunteer with an NGO

7 Rewarding Reasons to Volunteer with an NGO

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Have you ever stared at your bucket list and thought of how you could elevate it with something meaningful and go beyond the usual deep-sea diving and seeing the world? Well, let us introduce you to the incredible world of volunteering with an NGO, where it's not just about ticking a box; it’s about empowering, connecting, and making an impact that warms your heart.

Here's Why You Should Consider Volunteering with an NGO:

Be it a weekend adventure, a yearning to do some good, or an attempt to socialize, volunteering is your answer to a great time!

1) Gives you a sense of achievement

Be it consistently hitting that 10,000-step mark every day or acing that presentation at college or work, there's a certain satisfaction in achieving a goal. But what if that feeling of accomplishment could be coupled with making a real difference in someone's life? Volunteering with an NGO offers exactly that. Whether you're helping to build a school in a remote village, mentoring children, or cleaning up a polluted beach, you see the impact of your efforts. That feeling of "I did that, and it mattered" is a happiness nothing else can replicate.

2) You get results immediately

Instant gratification might not be an ideal thing to chase, but in this case, it can only mean good. You don't have to wait months or years to see the fruits of your labor. Did you spend the afternoon giving out school bags and books to underserved children? You'll see their eyes light up immediately with a newfound joy, and the smiles on the faces you've helped are an instant reward. It is a reminder of how every little action matters in life.

3) Kindness finds its way back to you

Remember that warm feeling you get when you help a stranger? Helping someone with directions, feeding a stray animal, or simply holding the door open for someone, feels good. By giving your time and skills, you're not just helping others; you're also enriching your own life. In these digital times, life can easily get lonely, and that’s where social activities like volunteering can help you revive your energy. From reducing stress to gaining new skills and discovering a deeper sense of purpose, the rewards of volunteering are boundless. The sense of gratitude and love you receive from the ones you help out is another plus you cannot ignore!

4) You build connections

Volunteers are the kindest and most compassionate people who make great friends! If you want to burst your bubble of comfort, volunteering might just be the opportunity for you to step out and socialize without fearing judgment. Imagine making an impact with people who turn into life-long friendships or finding a mentor for life. Working closely with experienced NGOs builds your network and helps you widen your impact to more people.

5) Enhances your resume

In a competitive job market, a standout resume can make all the difference. Employers today look for individuals with a heart for social responsibility. Volunteering provides the perfect opportunity to showcase your skills, dedication, and compassion to potential employers. Whether it's leadership experience gained from organizing events or communication skills honed through community outreach programs, volunteering adds valuable credentials to your CV. It's a fantastic way to stand out from the crowd and showcase your well-rounded personality.

6) Boosts your personal development

Volunteering pushes you outside your comfort zone. Maybe you're an introvert who wouldn't normally strike up a conversation with a stranger. But when you're volunteering, you have a shared purpose that breaks barriers. You might discover hidden talents you never knew you had or develop new skills you can apply in all areas of your life. It's a chance to discover, learn, grow, and become the best version of yourself.

7) It’s an opportunity to give back to your community

Our surroundings play a huge role in our growth, and they shape us into the people we become. Volunteering is an opportunity to give back to that community and uplift them with you. Whether it's the neighborhood where you grew up, the city you call home, or a cause close to your heart, volunteering is about leaving the world a little better than you found it and building a legacy that lasts.

Volunteering is an adventure waiting to happen. It is filled with personal growth, meaningful connections, and the joy of giving. It is only when you give back that you realize how little it takes to make a difference. So, why not take the plunge? It might just be the most rewarding experience you ever have.

Exclusively written for Giving for Good Foundation by Bhairavi Hiremath

Bhairavi Hiremath

Bhairavi Hiremath

With words as her medium and a diary full of scribbled ideas, she is usually found looking for ways to use her writing to impact for Good. If she’s out of sight, she’s probably either reading, petting cats, jamming to retro Bollywood, or of course, writing!

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