About Giving for Good

When we give, we open the doors of possibility for others.

Our Story

About GfG

In 2018, Giving for Good (GfG) was founded as a philanthropic initiative by iResearch Services Pvt. Ltd.. Since then, we’ve been on a mission to ‘Empower through giving’, by bringing equal opportunities to children and women from low-income communities. Our unique ‘4Es model’ focuses on Education, Empowerment, Employability, and the Environment for the holistic development of communities. By selecting activities and campaigns that solve issues like discrimination and destitution, we work towards educating individuals and empowering them with skills to end the cycle of poverty in their families. Our donation-matching fundraisers bridge the gap between those who wish to give to charity in India and those who need it the most.

about us
About GfG
Our Story


Empowering strength and resilience through education that unlocks personal, social, and economic progress for women and children.



Facilitating education as a pathway to equality, opportunity, and positive change.

We strive to understand and address the unique needs and challenges of the women and children we serve, putting their needs first and ensuring that our education programs are relevant, effective, and empowering.
We value impact and are committed to measuring and reporting on the outcomes of our education programs, continually improving our services, and demonstrating the positive change that education can bring to the lives of women and children.
We are committed to promoting equity and inclusivity in education, breaking down barriers and providing opportunities to all women and children, regardless of their socioeconomic status or cultural background.
We believe that meaningful change can only be achieved through collaboration, and we work with local communities, organisations, and government bodies to achieve our goals.
We are dedicated to finding new and innovative ways to address the complex challenges facing marginalised communities, using new and emerging technologies and best practices to deliver high-quality education programs that are effective, efficient, and engaging.
Our Values


The quality of education affects every aspect of a child’s life, most importantly their mindset. This basic human right is often a privilege for children who come from low-income Indian households, and our goal is to make education accessible to all. We assist students of all ages by improving their access to education, guidance and mentorship. We include sports education to give children the competitive edge they need to succeed. With a proven track record of accomplishments and success stories, we aim to create a legacy of improved capabilities.



Every child has potential. Every woman deserves to be independent. We aim to empower children and women with the right skills, knowledge and self-awareness. Our goal? Equal opportunities for all. We believe that being in a position to help is reason enough to act. Through carefully curated workshops, seminars and campaigns, we work towards uplifting the underserved segments of society. Over the years, we have observed that much potential remains undiscovered due to lack of access to opportunities, and we’re here to change that.



The roots of the surging unemployment rate in India lie in unemployable skills. Unfortunately, our conventional education system lacks industry-level training, and that is the void we aim to fill. Our educational programs instill knowledge in students while also preparing them for the world outside. Through employable skill-development campaigns, we support young girls and women of all ages from low-income communities and equip them with skills and resources to set up small businesses of their own. This means better opportunities, higher disposable income and an improved standard of living.



Communities thrive in clean, green ecosystems, and a huge part of our efforts aim to give back to nature. Through clean-up drives, tree plantation campaigns and projects that benefit local biodiversity, we work to restore the balance of nature in Pune city. With help from partners and the generous support of volunteers, we spread awareness about the importance of saving trees, waste management and educate rural communities to go green. Eager to #GiveBack to the environment? Sign up to our monthly newsletter and never miss a volunteer drive!

what we do

What We Do

Raise Funds
Raise Funds
We identify social gaps in communities and initiate strategic action plans to fix them. Our online donation platform individually caters to each project, ensuring that the lump sum is used solely for the upliftment and development of one community. GfG provides you with a platform to donate to charity in just a few clicks and double YOUR IMPACT with our matching donation program. Join our Goodness Club today!
Narrate Stories
Narrate Stories
We’re fans of random acts of kindness and believe that every good deed has a beautiful story attached to it. These stories inspire us and help us see the good in people, which is why we bring them to our donors and readers. Our Goodness Journal is packed with untold stories of impact, goodness and giving. So, if you’re looking for some motivation today, you’re in the right space!
Entrust Volunteers
Entrust Volunteers
The enthusiasm of our volunteers backs the high spirit and success of all our projects. What if we told you that you could be one of them? Here’s your chance to use your skills to knock out the gaps in society. A couple hours every week can help hundreds of people live better, breathe better, and earn an honest living. Stay tuned for updates on e-volunteer opportunities!

Know how your donation makes a difference!

We understand the importance of knowing how your money is spent. We value your faith in us as much as we value your contribution. That is why we provide 100% transparency for all donations and activities. When you donate, 98% of your money funds projects that focus on education, skill development and environmental restoration. The balance 2% is collected as a fee by the gateway that processes your transaction. Thanks to our diligent volunteers and local partners, we can share updates on how your money makes a difference. We back up our work with real receipts sent directly to your email inbox.

Every Rupee you donate is 100% matched!

When you donate to Giving for Good, every rupee you give is 100% matched by iResearch Services. Double your impact with our matching donations campaign that guarantees more opportunities to our beneficiaries!

Every Rupee you donate is 100% matched